Polis and horde (or why west will never understand Russia)

Sorry for my English, it's never be my strongest side. But I think, that this idea must read all, who can. Both – historically and today, Russia more than once has drawn stalemate Western European politicians. Unfortunately, assessing the structure of countries, it appears, that this situation occurred not because the Russian side would be very smart, but because the West this country were evaluated on their own criteria without regard to the actual situation. Admittedly, this is another terrific example of how the concepts of faith has paid millions of lives and become the cause of many of the wrong political decisions. To better understand the following my Opinion, I start from afar. I assume that many has asked the question - why one country manages development, while another - not. Reading the various fantasy novels, I was stunned, when I learned, how much inventor and genius of people have been in Russia and China, who have worked for the same, which was la...